Board Members
Edward Crowe

Ed Crowe is the president of Crowe and Associates, an agency focused on Medicare Advantage, Medicare Supplements and Part D. He started the organization in 2006 after working at an insurance carrier for several years as the group health manager for new sales and retention with groups from 2 to 1,000 employees.
Starting as an individual Medicare producer, Ed was able to build a personal book of business of over 1,000 Medicare clients. It gave him a unique perspective to help other Medicare producers build their books or start and grow an agency. He is now focused on Crowe and Associates’ continued growth offering education, training and marketing support to Medicare agents and agencies throughout the country.
Ed has a degree in Education and History from Colgate University and was a member of the football team. He is a sports fan and avid fisherman. His 3 children, Sophia 17, Samuel 15 and Stephen 11, all play ice hockey and keep Ed frequenting hockey rinks throughout the year.
Michael Gigliotti

Advisory Board Member
Michael Gigliotti works in commercial real estate as a Senior Managing Director and co-head of the New York office of JLL Capital Markets. In addition to his role as the leader of the financing team in New York, he is responsible for originating and executing financing assignments as well as joint venture equity transactions. Throughout his career, Michael has been involved in more than $31 billion of commercial real estate transactions.
Michael has been a fishing fanatic since he was 2 years old, drowning worms by the dozen on the docks of Lake George, NY. His family then moved to southern CT where he has fished the long island sound for Striped Bass for over 25 years. Primarily a salt water enthusiast, Michael’s involvement in Candlewood Fishing Camp has reignited his freshwater fishing roots. Michael lives in Stamford, CT with his wife Leila and his two sons Ethan (a Candlewood Fishing Camp camper) and Edward. He has been a board member since 2021 and has combined his passion for fishing, his love for his family and children in general, and his expansive business network to add value to the Candlewood Fishing Camp mission.
Christine Corrigan

Board Member/Secretary
Christine Corrigan is a 20 year resident of Candlewood Lake in Connecticut. She is the Impact Reporting and Development Specialist for Youth Voices Center, Inc. a non-profit organization which has the sole purpose of improving the lives of young people and providing them with the necessary tools to succeed and make a positive impact in the world. Christine is a retired Information Technology Executive who spent the majority of her career at Credit Suisse working in NY, Zurich and London.
For 10 years Christine held volunteer positions for the Girl Scouts of Connecticut, including Troop Leader and an elected position as the Delegate for the town of New Fairfield. She volunteered as the Parent Representative for the Class of 2018 for 9 years at the Wooster School in CT. In addition, she has volunteered her time to veterans with traumatic brain injury and supports Watts of Love bringing solar energy to impoverished communities throughout the world.
Christine is a Brooklyn, NY native, she attended Edward R. Murrow High School and Hunter College, City University of NY.
In the summer she can be found boating on Candlewood Lake and skiing in the winter when she is not traveling to exotic locations.
Ryan Batz

Board Member/Treasurer
Grew up in Appalachian mountain region of south east PA. Started trout fishing as a child in small mountain streams.
Began fly fishing for trout as a teenager. BS from Penn state in Turfgrass Management. Attended fly fishing classes at Penn State under Joe Humphreys
New Fairfield resident for for 16 years.
Cub Scout assistant den leader, as well as youth soccer, basketball and softball coach Fishing on candlewood lake for the past 6 years.
Andy Scott

Board Member
Andy Scott oversees US real estate investing for an international private equity fund. He has spent his career investing in commercial real estate across the US.
Andy was born and raised in Cheyenne, WY where he learned to fish in the many lakes, ponds, and streams across Wyoming. He is committed to giving children access to the outdoors and fishing because he knows first hand how valuable outdoor experiences are for all kids. He currently lives in Pelham, NY with his wife and three young daughters (all aspiring fisherwomen).
Jed Wilson

Board Member
Jed Wilson is the founder and executive director of Candlewood Fishing Camp. He is dedicated to making sure all kids, no matter their background, family financial status or mental health condition, have access to an amazing summer camp experience. He wanted to create a camp focused on advancing the sport of fishing, a camp where my campers would be taught by professional fishermen that can make a serious impact on their fishing skills. Jed was a middle school teacher for 15 years, and resides in New Fairfield with his wife and three amazing kids.