Jed’s fondest childhood memories were his summer camp experiences. They had such a positive impact on him that by age 13 his goal in life was to one day own and operate a world class bass fishing camp for kids that loved to fish more than anything else. Since becoming a CIT at his local camp in New Jersey, he has always worked with kids in different capacities. He worked with the Boys and Girls Clubs in Gainesville Florida. He was the director of tennis at the Candlewood Isle camp and tennis pro at the tennis club in Danbury. He has 16 years of experience teaching middle school and as an educator. Jed has three amazing children Jack who is five, Josh, nine, and Elle who is 18 years old.
“I wanted to create a camp focused on advancing the sport of fishing, a camp where my campers would be taught by professional fisherman that can make a serious impact on their fishing skills”.
At Candlewood Fishing Camp, your young angler will be fully connected to nature, make friends and catch some of the biggest bass of their lives!